“I’ve got keys to crap I’ve never owned!”

This week was blah. Not terrible, but not glorious, either. But it is time for the fun game called Saturday Scavenger Shots! The lovely Laura B. over at “What Fresh Hell is This?” served up the word “key”. As Antonio Banderas’s character calmly said in “Desperado”, “Let’s play.”

I’m sure that each key on both keychains has a purpose. The one on the left with all of the keys and cards is the group I usually search for, but the smaller group is work-related. Sometimes I tend to leave those at work, but then I’m locked out. I’m not helpful to anyone in the morning if I am not the keymaster. Know what I mean?

Here’s a giant key that helps me keep track of my keys! I had a wooden sign at the other apartment, but it actually spelled out “keys”. This one just says, “Hey, I’m a giant key.” I painted it myself. Aren’t I the crafty one?

Okay, so next week’s word will be “COMPLICATED”. I have a story for that one, and hopefully my story will be in the past rather than present and ongoing.

Saturday Scavenger Shots: Fun!

It’s Saturday and time to have fun! The Saturday Scavenger Shots word of the week is “fun”. Oh, the options. I decided to go through some old photos I had, and that in itself is a fun thing to do!

Pillow fights are fun! I was in the middle of one with one of my brothers while we all stayed in a hotel during a vacation.

Merry-Go-Rounds are usually very fun to ride on, but for some reason I didn’t look very happy in this photo. I don’t remember why, but yeah, I definitely didn’t look like I was having fun. Or maybe my dad caught a photo of me when I was in the middle of a deep thought.

Dressing up in costume for Halloween is always fun. I was Marge Simpson one year, and we carved pumpkins that were supposed to look like a few other members of the Simpson family. My dad had mad pumpkin-carving skills!

This was our family pup, Precious, in her play pose. She was fun to play with when she was up for it! That toy she was protecting used to be a rubber hamburger that squeaked. It was looking a little mangled in that shot.

Friends and/or classmates can be fun, too! This was taken around Christmas one year, during Spanish class in high school. I hope we weren’t missing anything important – our teacher in the background didn’t seem to mind!

Finally, here’s a photo from about 4 or 5 years ago. My friend and I went to Arizona and stayed at my brother’s place. The family broke out the mini karaoke machine and the party started. It was so fun to sing 80s songs with my brothers.

Well that’s about it for this week’s edition of Saturday Scavenger Shots! Looking forward to seeing what our mission will be for next week!

Songs and Pigtails

Here are two, random childhood memories that resurfaced just a few moments ago. I shared one story with a coworker who then asked, “Have you had a liquid lunch today?”

Anyway, when I was a little kid, my family used to sing the song, “Ta-Ra-Ra Boom-de-ay”, mainly because my name was in the song. Well, I didn’t like it. I think I even told them that I didn’t like the song. Thinking about it now, I don’t know what caused me to dislike it so much, so it got me laughing. This was the story that concerned my coworker. She asked if I had just had a “liquid lunch”.

Story two was a memory that followed the flashback of my reaction to the previously mentioned song. I was a quiet, happy kid and rarely complained, but if I really didn’t like something, I let my parents know. Again, this was back when I was a little kid; back when my mom would do-up my hair each day. She decided one day to give me pigtails. Fine! When she was finished, she picked me up and showed off my new do in the mirror. I shouted, “No!” She put me down fast and the pigtails were removed. I have nothing against pigtails now, though. Go figure.

“Rollin’ Like Thunduh…”

You Are Thunder

You are slow paced and steady. You don’t rush to be the first to get anything done.
You have your own method of doing things, and it has worked pretty well for you. You are a systemizer.

You are hard working. You are industrious with an amazing work ethic.
You don’t often make a big bang, but when you do, everyone pays attention.

Saturday Scavenger Shots: Quiet

Welcome to another installment of Saturday Scavenger Shots!!!..Oo, wait, I should whisper that line…”Psst…welcome to another installment of saturday scavenger shots”…Was that nice and quiet?

Today’s magic word is “quiet”. Let’s tip-toe through the blog tulips avec moi, shall we?

This is a photo of my mini cassette recorder. It’s one of my favorite toys, but this afternoon it decided to go all quiet on me when I pressed the “play” button. Apparently the speaker part isn’t working. However, it works when I attach the headphones. I don’t know. It’s being quiet when I don’t want it to be quiet. I’ve had that particular toy for several years now, so maybe it is time to get a new one. Phooey.

“Shhh! Be vewy quiet! I’m hunting wabbits!”…Oh no, not you, Silly Wabbit…er…Rabbit!

Finally, here is a clip from the movie “What About Bob?” that I thought of when I saw our Saturday Scavenger Shots word. I love this movie, it is so funny.

Evidentiary Support

Well I didn’t think I’d be up for the Friday 5 this week, but Laura B. inspired me! Here are my answers:

What could serve as physical evidence that you sometimes lose focus?
– The unfinished, latch-hook rug I have in my closet. I was so determined to get un-hooked from Facebook and start a new project, but I lost focus…and interest.

What could serve as physical evidence that you are loved?
– Well me, I guess! My parents loved me (still do) and raised me and here I am today! I also have saved many of the greeting cards I received from my family and friends.

What could serve as physical evidence that you’re from wherever you’re from?
– My Northern Inland accent, I suppose. I didn’t even realize I had an accent until one of my sisters-in-law noticed that we (the good people of Cleveland, Ohio) have a nasaly accent. Hmmph.

What could serve as physical evidence that you went anywhere this past week?
– A receipt from the car dealership saying that my car is in tip top shape after an oil change, car wash and an inspection! Oh and the leftover scars on my feet from last weekend.

What could serve as physical evidence that you recently caved in to temptation?
– The empty container of Pringles and the wrappings from a candybar. Oops! Tee hee. Yeah, I don’t feel guilty.

What Room Are You Most At Home In?

Okay! You’re all invited to my place for movie night. BYOB ASAP!

You Are Most at Home in the Living Room

You’re the type of person who always feels relaxed at home. In many ways, it’s where you’re at your best.
You love to chill out at home. You are not the biggest homebody in the world, but you appreciate the time you spend there.

There’s nothing like having a few friends over to watch a movie or just talk in your living room.
You are proud of the home you’ve created, and you love to share it with others.

Dude, that is messed up!

I am so messed up right now. My coworker took a vacation day yesterday and had asked me if I could work her shift, which began at 12 and lasted until 9pm. Because she’ll bend over backwards to help me when I take vacation or sick days, I wanted to help her out this time. Dear God, that shift was long and dull! I’ve worked a 12 to 9 shift before when I was in the other department, but I didn’t have to stay put at my desk the whole time. Last night, I did, and the phone rarely rang. Now, because I worked late, my mind has decided that today is Friday. That’s not good for anyone.

Then this morning I was in a mood. I still get students and grads who will talk about how the department I used to work in had “screwed” them, and I take it very personally. Even if they’re not talking about me specifically, it still hurts. Then, knowing that I’d better pick myself up and let it go, I need to dig into my memory bank and think of clear examples of when I was helpful, and those memories seem dim and flimsy. It’s that pesky, fragile self-esteem coming back to haunt me. I guess I could see it as a good thing that I care about that kind of thing, but I don’t need to be thinking about that when I’m tired. I was so close to tears this morning while I was making my bed, but I didn’t want to mess up my makeup before work. Priorities! Instead, I changed the sappy song that was playing on my iTunes and played “The Humpty Dance” instead. That helped a bit.

How are you feeling today? Need to vent?

Firemen, Shoes and Tattoos

– After finishing the 2nd day of walking and while I was relaxing in my tent, I thought I’d bring out the tattoos I received and put them on my arms. I had a wet washcloth ready so that I could apply them successfully to my right arm. One “tattoo” was a pink ribbon with sparkles on it. Cool! So I put it on my arm and then wet it with a washcloth and applied pressure. After about 20 seconds, I removed the washcloth and the “tattoo” fell off. I tried again with more pressure, and the same thing happened. I did this about three times before I realized it wasn’t a tattoo, it was just a sticker. After I laughed at myself (maybe a little too hard), I put the sticker on my cheek and there it stayed that whole night and for the rest of the next day. The other temporary tattoo worked wonders.

– I really enjoyed the last day. Although my knees and feet were hurting, I knew I’d be walking through Berea, Ohio. It’s where I went to college and it’s where I go for choir. I also knew I was close to the fairgrounds; our final stop of the walk. Before I could hit those areas, though, I had to have my left knee wrapped up, because it was too much of a painful nuisance.

The bandaging helped a bit. It helped get me to the next small cheering station – the Olmsted Falls Fire Station. Oh yeah. There were firemen waiting for us, but since I was walking by myself at the moment, they were all mine. Oh my. My only regret was that I didn’t take a photo of them for all of you. I might have had a selfish moment or maybe I was too lazy to take out my camera, or subject the gentlemen to my giddiness. One fireman with sparkling, beautiful eyes, offered me pink lemonade. As I gazed and drooled, I readily accepted. My friend said later that they probably could’ve offered me arsenic and I would’ve accepted. Then I stayed and chatted with the heros. One of the quieter ones had dark eyes and short, dark hair and was extremely cute. Another charming gentlemen joked with me and asked, “So, what are you going to do after the walk? Do some yard work?” I joked and said I’d do some more walking. Regretfully, I had to eventually move on. As I met the crew member who helped me cross the street, I gave her a look and she said, “Why do you think I volunteered for this corner?” Oh, and the ladies who arrived just after I did turned down the lemonade/arsenic the firemen offered! What is wrong with them??

– Anyway, I finally made it to the fairgrounds. A guy offered me a slice of watermelon, which was so refreshing I thought I had gone to Heaven, and a very pink cheering station welcomed me with screams and high fives. I was then led to a tent where I could get my “victory T-shirt”. I hobbled over to the tent where I received more cheers, my beautiful T-shirt, a pink rose, a lollipop and a hug from a volunteer. It was then that I just about lost it emotionally. I then hobbled off to my own little area under a shaded tree and collapsed (and texted my friend).

– While we chilled until the last walker stepped over the finish line, I heard some great dance music, like “The Humpty Dance”.

– We eventually had to get set up for the closing ceremony, and we started to walk six people to each row, towards the place to be. I heard a woman in back of me say, “I don’t know how to walk straight, anymore!” It made me laugh, because most of us were either limping or walking a little slower. Then a lady in front of us asked if any of us where first-time walkers. She said that there would be a certain part of the ceremony where we’d all take off one of our shoes and raise it up in the air to support the cancer survivors. I looked down at my feet and had to decide which foot could survive shoeless for a few seconds without too much pain. I’m so glad the lady warned us, and at the same time I thought it was a nice tribute.

– We did raise one of our shoes. My brother, who was there with his wife and one of my nephews, along with my mom to support me, mentioned later that he was thankful for the breeze, until we took off our shoes and held them up. “We were downwind of that, so…thanks.” Lol.

– After the ceremony, I had to pick up my luggage. My brother drove me as close as possible to the luggage drop-off point, and then my sister-in-law and I went out to find my stuff. She picked up the lightest part of the luggage, so I dragged along the heaviest part. We couldn’t find my brother’s car, and it seemed many people had red cars…like my brother. Everytime my sister-in-law thought she saw the right car, she’d stop and say, “Noooo, that’s not it. Huh.” Mind you, I was pretty much done with walking. Then she stopped, irritated, and said, “You know…it’s been a long day and I’m tired.” I bit my tongue. Eventually we found my brother’s car because he had pulled aside for us. My sister-in-law and my brother ranted at each other and my sis-in-law swore heartily. Eventually we went to McDonald’s for dinner, and it was exactly what I needed. I feel sorry for my poor brother sometimes. Although he can be a cranky jerk at the wrong times, he is very generous and funny.

Thumbs up if you’re tired and finished with this whole thang!

The older lady there was at the camp each day to hug all of the walkers and was there on the last day. She was awesome. We all needed it.

At the end of the closing ceremony, someone raised the official flag, which was very important.

These were all souvenirs of the event. I loved walking down Front Street in Berea, because so many people were there to cheer us on. The guy who sold some 3-Day pins was there, and that’s when I decided I’d spend some money on some fun pins and gifts.