The Return

I had a very fun time in Arizona! Sarah (ksrasra) and I took off in a rented convertable like Thelma & Louise, only without hurtling ourselves over the Grand Canyon (we couldn’t, the car had to be back by 9am on Sunday), and without Brad Pitt hitching a ride in the backseat. We did, however, have the pleasure of wining and dining at Chino Banditos (The Pollo Diablo dish represents its name in every way…Devil Chicken) with three hot guys who put Mr. Pitt to shame! Very, very fun time.

Yes there are photos, but I have to choose wisely, as I took a few too many photos of cacti and storm clouds, but there are some that can’t just sit there in the Wal-Mart photo envelope without a display.

We had a wonderful time with my family. My sister-in-law is an excellent chef and even makes nachos look pretty by just pouring them in a bowl. I introduced my brother (awesome host, by the way) to the blogging world. Stay tuned for his breakout blog (you are making one now, aren’t you KW?). Sarah and I were even blessed with accurate, hand-written maps from my sister-in-law and my brother. Move over Mapquest and Yahoo Maps! And there were even instances of miniature advice from everyone, which we had the freedom to take (or not take).

And KW (if you are reading this now), I did take your advice and did not check any luggage on my flight home! Scratch that one off your list of advice I follow. It was very good advice. Thank you, thank you and thank you again. :)

Well I think I tanned just a bit during my stay, but it doesn’t show up in the photos I took. Trust me, I feel I tanned. Use your imagination…um…on second hand, maybe ya shouldn’t.

"I’m Leeevin’ On A Jet Plane…"

Hey blog readers, hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I had another post in mind for today, but the idea has vacated the premises of my mind.

Speaking of vacating the premises, though, I will be leaving tomorrow morning for sunny and oven-hot Arizona. Scottsdale, Arizona to be more precise. I’m really getting excited about this vacation now. Due to intense and occasionally overwhelming anxiety, and also worried about my mom here and also my job, I haven’t been jumping up and down about my vacation. But now I’m anxious (in a good way) for this day to be over and I want to pack. Packing, as you may or may not know, adds to the excitement.

Anyway, while I’m gone, do not miss me. I insist. “Don’t cry for me Argentina!” My blog will probably be blog-less from Thursday through at least Sunday (unless I send you an audioblog..woo hoo!), so talk amongst yourselves, and have a lovely, lovely week.

Ta Ta from Ta ra