Friday 5: “Personal Adds”

It’s time for another meme from “Friday“! This one helped me make a mental list of what I need at the store today.

1. What’s your favorite “just add water!” food?
– The Thai noodles I buy at the grocery store. You can buy different flavors – Lemongrass & Chili, Spring Onion, Thai Curry, Something Something Garlic (can’t remember the exact name). They are so good, and now I need to buy some.

2. What’s your favorite thing to add vinegar to?
– When boiling water to color Easter eggs. I did make my first poached egg recently, and the directions say to add a bit of vinegar to the water to help the egg whites stay near the yoke.

3. What’s something weird you’ve added to normal food?
– Maple syrup on spaghetti, Captain Crunch cereal and Pixie Stix sugar on white bread. Movie food experiments.

4. What’s your favorite thing to add whipped cream to?
– Hot chocolate and chocolate pudding…Yumm!

5. What’s something you refuse to add anything to, even though most people add something?
– Aside from the maple syrup experiment, I don’t like anything else on my spaghetti but the sauce. I don’t need to add Parmesan cheese to it.

10 thoughts on “Friday 5: “Personal Adds”

  1. What’s the deal with Cap’n Crunch? Especially Cap’n Crunch sammiches. I think I even saw a recipe for chicken fingers that used crushed Cap’n Crunch in the breading. Weird.

  2. Mmmmm… chocolate pudding and whipped cream…

    And vinegar on french fries/chips is a MUST if you ever have chip shop chips in England. Loads of salt, loads of vinegar – it’s a taste sensation!

  3. Those instant soups are great when in a rush.. we buy them every so often.. they are cheap and somewhat filling.. Vinegar is a must with fish and chips.. or you can use it for cleaning windows.. A very useful thing to have handy..

  4. Churlita: When I worked at McDonald’s someone taught me to put mayo on fries, and I’ve been putting it on my fries ever since. Sooo good. But I will try the vinegar!

    Ken: The only reason I put Cap’n Crunch on my sandwich was because I wanted to try it after seeing Ally Sheedy’s character make it in the movie “The Breakfast Club”. It was not a bad sandwich! Weird, but not bad.

    Tim: See the only thing that turns me off about putting vinegar on fries is the smell. I actually put mayo on my fries! And I’m not a big fan of lots of salt. I will try the vinegar though!

    Babybull: I love the instant soups. Had some today for a quick lunch!

    Laura B: Ha, I’m glad you all like my weird taste test experiments! As long as there are movies out there, I’m sure I’ll find more combinations to test!

    You should have some Thai noodles and hot chocolate. It’s the ideal meal.

    Silver: The brand is called “Thai Kitchen” and they’re rice noodles. Each package comes with a little package of seasoning and a small packet of oil.

  5. Interesting answers, Tara.

    1. What’s your favorite “just add water!” food?
    – I haven’t tried those Thai noodles, so I might just get some next time I’m out at the store. I think flavored oatmeal is my favorite “just add water food”.

    2. What’s your favorite thing to add vinegar to?
    – Marinades for grilled foods.

    3. What’s something weird you’ve added to normal food?
    – I’ve been told it’s weird that I mix ketchup and mayo for dipping my french fries. But I have used chocolate candy bars in oatmeal instead of sugar.

    4. What’s your favorite thing to add whipped cream to?
    Hot chocolate and chocolate pudding…Yumm! Right there with ya!

    5. What’s something you refuse to add anything to, even though most people add something?
    -Lemon juice from the wedges they put on iced tea and ice water. What’s up with that lemon wedge? If I wanted lemon flavored iced tea or water, I’d ask for it!

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