He’s Got Mad Skillz!

Tim, the owner of the blog “Sparky Malarkey“, gave his readers a fun project. It’s been awhile since I’ve played with paper dolls, but now is as good a time as any! He posted an image of himself to be cut out and put on some cardboard, and then we were told to go wild with creativity, preferably using the environment around us.

This Saturday is the deadline, and I’m just posting this today. Nothing like procrastinating, right? Actually, the idea flashed over me last week, and I meant to get this done when we had nice weather. But we’ve had rain and clouds lately, and tonight we have bad storms a-brewin. Anyway, enough babbling, here is my contribution to the Tim Project.

Sparky Tim and His Mad, Bungee Jumping Skillz

While Sparky Tim was on his quest around the world to find the wild and dangerous I-Pad, he took a break from his hunt to do some bungee jumping off of the gigantic trees of Strongsveellia, a village in the exotic country of O’Hye-Oh. I think it’s somewhere near Hawaii. Anyway, a seasoned native of the village was able to show him the best, highest tree for bungee jumping. Here are the photos that were captured that day. Nobody has seen these….until now.

In this first photo, Sparky Tim warns the amateurs that bungee jumping isn’t just a thing people can do willy-nilly, or at least without a little training or instructional lecture…and maybe a cup or two of coffee from Starbucks. Notice his suave, custom-built bungee jumping outfit.

"Don't try this at home, kiddies!"

After that swift but stern warning, Tim nodded confidently towards his Sherpa and then got ready to take that leap of faith (faith that the cord was strong and short enough – he wouldn’t want to land in the poisonous undergrowth of the vast forest he was in).

Ready, Set, Bungee!

Without even taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, the adventurous Sparky Tim jumped into the air and enjoyed the exhilarating descent. He even threw his arms up….towards the ground.


Thankfully the cord was a perfect length, and his bungee jump activity was a success. In this photo, he is pensive and wonders where he could find some scenic and interesting postcards to send to his blogging friends.

Still Bungeeing

When Tim returned to the base from where he first jumped off, he casually wrapped the bungee cord around his shoulder, grabbed his backpack (which was unfortunately the only one I had on hand for him to borrow – sorry that it was pink) and said, “Well that was quite a thrill! I should do that again some time, but the I-Pad awaits out there….somewhere. Waiting.” He took a deep breath before disappearing into the great unknown.

Onward! Towards the next adventure.

The End….??

10 thoughts on “He’s Got Mad Skillz!

  1. Eros: Yes! “Action Outdoors Adventure Tim” – now with Kung Fu grip! :D Thank ya!

    Manuel: Isn’t it? He’s a creative blogger, that Tim!

    BabyBull: He certainly keeps us entertained!

    FW: Thanks! I used to subscribe to Barbie magazines when I was younger that had those kinds of stories in it with real dolls in the mix.

    Churlita: Oh no, I’m sorry about your bike! Glad the post cheered you up, though!

    Laura B: Thank you much! :)

    NoR: I actually like this background – I’ll stick to it a little longer this time! :)

    Tim: Thank ya! :D Glad you liked it, this was really fun!

    IDV: Lol…Thanks IDV! I think some of the cardboard bending was taking a toll on him, though, the paper was starting to separate from the cardboard! Actually could’ve been another part of your duplication story!

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