“Tradition! Tradition.”

Good morning, everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I’ve been falling behind on the poetry-a-day thing – just not feeling it anymore. Maybe a poem a month is more my thing.

Anyway, this past Saturday was our choir’s Spring concert! Usually we have it on Sunday, and that would’ve worked out better if we could’ve stuck to that schedule. Instead, we were competing against the city-wide street sale that was going on. Parking was more limited than usual, and I think that steered many people away. We still had an audience though. We weren’t sold out, but maybe next time.

We put our hearts and souls into that concert, as we usually do, but this time it seemed more of a challenge. I’ll ignore my usual inner critic and just say that the audience was very pleased. That’s the most important thing!

Sadly, the Cackler wasn’t able to be there – she had an epileptic seizure a few days earlier, and needed to rest instead of attend the concert. The solo part she had was eliminated, and our director had everyone sing the usual part to make it easier. That must’ve been hard for her to not attend the concert. It would’ve driven me crazy if I wasn’t able to go after all the time and effort we put into the songs.

During pre-concert practice, I spoke up and asked our director to go over a hard part in one of the songs, and it really helped. We went through the song at a faster pace, too, and that made a huge difference. Good times!

Our director’s 10 year old son played a piano solo in the beginning of the concert. He knew the part by heart, and didn’t need music. While we were all practicing, he sat casually in one of the seats and played a video game. He didn’t look nervous at all, that darn kid! :) He did a really good job, too.

Then during the concert our director, T, almost mixed up the songs by accident. Then we had to remind him to have us stand after the Chamber Choir sang some songs. He always knows how to make us laugh and loosen up. He actually had a piano solo too, right after our most difficult song. So we were able to chill out while he played. It was a song called “Falling Waters”, and it sounded really nice.

I ordered a few CDs of our concert, and I’m supposed to get them by the end of June. Always excited for that delivery!

Here is a very blurry shot of our choir, taken last year during one of our concerts. I don’t know who took the photo, but it was used as the cover of one of our CDs. From your point of view, I’m on the left hand side in the second row – third one down. The lady to the left of me is the Cackler!

5 thoughts on ““Tradition! Tradition.”

  1. I’m so glad your concert went well! And I would never have expected to feel bad for the Cackler, but I kind of do.
    And good for you for speaking up for some extra attention to a tricky piece. I bet the choir director really appreciates the imput.

  2. Congratulations on the concert! It sounds like it was a lot of fun and a great success. Quite the achievement given the time changes and the last minute song changes–but you guys kept to the golden rule of theater: The show must go on! I can’t wait to hear samples of your wonderful performance.

    I hope the Cackler recovers. As much fun as it is to crack down on her for being such an obnoxious, annoying pain in the neck, I really do hope that she gets better. Why? Because you and me are nice people. We’re not pushovers, we’re just very patient-til we snap and have to lay down a serious smack down!

    Were you able to browse the city wide street sale selections? Good for you for speaking up to make sure y’all would have a spectacular performance.

  3. Silver: Thank you! Yes, I hope she does too.

    Laura B: Thanks – I knew I had to say something, we were struggling. Then were were able to go over a little bit more, so that was good.

    Churlita: Yeah, and I had no idea she had epilepsy. I felt bad that she couldn’t attend, too.

    Eros: Thank you! It was a lot of fun, for sure! I hope the Cackler recovers too. I feel weird referring to her as the Cackler when she’s going through this, but I know she’ll be back to her old self by the time we’re ready for Winter rehearsal. And then yes, it’ll be time for another smack-down. :)

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