What Does Your Burger Say About You?

Had to borrow this one from Laura B. because I like burgers. Here’s what my burger says about moi:

What Your Burger Says About You

You are very gluttonous. Even if you’re full, you’ll still clear your plate.

You are likely a fairly picky eater. And you’re secretly a little squeamish about some foods.

You are a very open eater. You like many types of tastes, and you’ll eat just about anything.

You tend to gravitate toward strong, pungent foods. Even if it means having bad breath!

You are straightforward, honest, and ambitious. You tend to be direct about what you want when it comes to food.

You are emotional. You have a big heart, and you tend to go for comfort foods.

You have trouble making decisions quickly. Everything looks good to you… especially at a restaurant.

I admit, I don’t have any hang-ups about eating something with onion and then going straight to choir where people tend to get right into your face to talk to you. Never went to practice after eating garlic, though…yet. Hmm..

8 thoughts on “What Does Your Burger Say About You?

  1. You are a very open eater. You like many types of tastes, and you’ll eat just about anything.

    You tend to gravitate toward strong, pungent foods. Even if it means having bad breath!

    You are emotional. You have a big heart, and you tend to go for comfort foods.

    You have trouble making decisions quickly. Everything looks good to you… especially at a restaurant.

  2. “You are likely a fairly picky eater. And you’re secretly a little squeamish about some foods. You are creative, open minded, and friendly. You are interested in all types of food and new dishes.”

    I’m picky and open-minded too! How strange is that!?

  3. Babybull: I certainly didn’t lose sleep over what Blogthings thinks about my eating habits. :)

    Laura B.: Yup! I’m open to eating stuff, but not everything. Hmm.

    AlienCG: Another open eater! Comfort foods are awesome.

    Silverneurotic: We’d both eat well on Thanksgiving. :)

    Tim: It’s pretty strange! They said that about me too, but I am actually pretty open to things, until I try a food and I don’t like the taste. That’s when I guess the pickiness comes in? Don’t know.

    Cricket: Mmm..roast beef and onion. That sounds really good, actually! Add a little mayo and that would be an awesome sandwich!

    K_sra: Maybe somewhere out there is a person who makes all their choices in life based on the results they get from Blogthings quizzes. That would be rough.

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